Welcome to

the Inner Feminine Technique

6-Month Group Program

Come home to your body, consciously integrate the parts of you that are holding you back from the life you taking your life to the next level, and mastering the arts of aligned action and creation.

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What is the

Inner Feminine Technique?

The Inner Feminine Technique (IFT) is the missing link for those of us who've done the inner work and still find ourselves stuck in old patterns in certain areas of our lives.

It is a gorgeous process of conscious integration in which you systematically journey into the body and release trapped emotions and traumas stored in your cells. The technique takes you through the layers of numbness, anger, and hurt that keep you stuck in old habits and patterns so that you can take action and create the connections that you truly desire.

IT'S TIME to become next level YOU!

Are you over the moon with joy because of the love and energy you've poured into your personal evolution?

You've done the work and you recognise that your efforts are paying off, that you're not the person you were yesterday. You've grown, taken some leaps of faith, and stepped into your power in a way you'd only dreamed of in the past. 


I'm celebrating you!!!

Are you committed to your personal growth and development with the receipts to prove it?

You've read many of the must reads or they're on your list: The Power of Now; the Four Agreements; Untamed. You've either tried or committed to yoga, meditation, crystals, and energy healing.  

You should be a Badass at everything...and, honestly, you kind of are. You're also looking to take your life experience to the next level and for that you know that there is a deeper level of integration needed.

Are you finding that there is some lingering resistance to living full out in some areas of your life? 

Here's the thing: because you've done the work to clean up your energy and step into your power, it's even more uncomfortable and obvious when you meet resistance.

Perhaps you notice that you're stuck in overthinking, inaction, or less than powerful action when it comes to some shifts you want to make or some experiences you want to manifest. If this is you, see you in the group!!! We start Feb. 1. 

T E S T I M O N I A L S 

Happy stories from clients

"Erica's technique for connecting with the Inner Feminine to heal, grow, and expand is a game changer in self-healing and personal growth!"

Erica's technique for connecting with the Inner Feminine to heal, grow, and expand is a game changer in self-healing and personal growth! 

Erica introduced me to the Inner Feminine Technique during our coaching sessions. I was repeatedly hitting up against some inner resistance and anger that I couldn't understand! She guided me through the process to face the emotions that I had trapped within myself and hidden from for years. I was able to access these old feelings in a new way to finally feel them and finally release them so that I could show up more powerfully in my business.

VC, Mindset Coach

IFT is like peeling the layers of an onion to arrive at a feeling of freedom. I started working with Erica because there were so many issues that I would put off until tomorrow…except tomorrow never came. She taught me IFT and things started to shift from a deeper place. I learned how to search my body, listen to myself to hear why I was so resistant, then release it. And when I still found resistance, another excuse not to begin, I could go through IFT again and release the deeper issue until action became easy. For example, I used IFT to help heal my relationship with my daughter. I never thought that could be possible. Our outer circumstances didn't change, but I did. IFT helped me let go of so much. It really works.

BC, Manager

IFT has given me the ability to address and move through a feeling/emotion and get unstuck in the moment. My body gets a chance to feel and express itself in a systematic way. I’ve tried verbally talking about things, and deep breathing through it, and even EMDR - those are great but IFT specifically targets the emotion in my body in a way that leaves me feeling lighter and freer. 

And…Erica is amazing - she’s that sister friend who will read you with compassion and love and lead you back to your highest and best self.

LA, Lawyer

Birth of the Inner Feminine Technique

In 2020, I took on a challenge that brought up a ton of darkness and unresolved trauma. I had to confront habits and fears that had been dormant for years…and figure out a way to show up powerfully anyway.


And what was revealed to me is that even with my years of coaching, yoga, and meditation – no matter how quiet my mind was – my body remembered my pain.


I realized something that we all should be taught: our bodies remember and react to our outer circumstances. Our bodies store our subconscious. So, no matter what we decide consciously, if the body is not on board, it will stop us in our tracks with sensations that render us powerless to act on our conscious decisions.


And I was given (not taught) a technique for releasing those memories from my body that I would like to share with you.

What You Get

This 6-Month Group Program will fundamentally change how you relate to yourself, others, and taking action on your desires. It runs June through November 2022 and will take place on Zoom. We will likely meet on Tuesdays at 10AM EST/ 4PM Amsterdam Time.

All calls will be recorded and links will be shared in our private Voxer Group.

The IFT Group Program

Join a community of like-minded souls ready to release the energy that keeps us from our big dreams, dance with destiny, and be supported on their journey!

2 x Month

90-Minute Group Coaching calls

Learn the fundamentals of connecting to your body, the process of the IFT process, and how to take powerful, creative action. 


60-Minute Embodiment Ceremony

Breath work, meditation, and healing ceremonies to support you to ground in your body and the present moment.


1:1 Inner Feminine Sessions

Let's work through IFT while focusing on one specific issue you would like to go deep with. Ask your questions and confirm that you are moving through the process properly.


Group Chat Support 

Get support from your IFT community, share wins, and ask any questions to Erica Danielle in our group Voxer chat between group sessions.

The Deep Dive

This add-on includes everything in the Group Program. It is for those of you who would like to integrate the information you're learning with Erica's close support, and those of you who desire to see more clearly what you are missing on your own.


Inner Feminine Group Program

The Deep Dive is comprised everything included in the larger IFT program.

1 x Month

1:1 Coaching Sessions with Erica

Quantum Leap your action and impact in this world by combining the group program with 1:1 coaching support and guidance.

1 x Month

Distance Healing Sessions

Schedule a distance healing session to support clearing old and ancestral energy from the body. Healing sessions combine Reiki, Energy Healing, and Emotion Code. Results are emailed to you for your reflection after the session. 

I'm Ready!

Jun 1 - Nov 30

Inner Feminine Technique

Group Program

Join a community of like-minded souls ready to dance with the energy that keeps us from our big dreams, and be supported on your journey!



* If you would like to join the group program but have sincere financial difficulties, please email me to enquire about reduced payments and extended payment plans.

Jun 1 - Nov 30

The Deep Dive

This add-on everything in the Group Program. It's for those of you who would like to integrate the information you're learning with Erica's close support and get 1:1 coaching and energy healing. 



* If you would like to join the deep dive but have sincere financial difficulties, please email me to enquire about extended payment plans.

Thank you for healing.

Healed people, heal people!

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